Pork filet mignon with grapes & figs

filet mignon grapes figsOnce upon a time in ancient Rome lived a man called Apicius, a lover of luxury and exquisite food. He praised the delicacy of flamingos´ tongues, traveled to Africa in search for the biggest shrimps (which he didn´t find), and later took his own life for fear of poverty, having squandered most of his fortune.

A gourmet par excellence, Apicius seeked perfection with all his delights, feeding his pigs with figs, symbol of fertility and indulgence, in an attempt to refine the taste of their livers. He then killed them with an overdose of honeyed wine – now that´s good material for a culinary legend.

Perhaps it has to do with this ancient liaison that pork, figs, grapes & wine go so well together.

filet mignon grapes figs-6pork filet mignon with figs, grapes and port gravy (serves 4):
800-900 g pork filet, cut into 2.5 cm/1 inch slices
2 shallots, chopped finely
5 slices Bayonne ham, sliced
8 figs, quartered
small bunch of grapes, halved/deseeded (about 25)
80 ml port
a few sprigs of thyme
1 tbsp butter
salt and pepper

Trim excess fat off the meat. Cut into 2.5 cm/1 inch slices.

Heat a few tbsp olive oil in a large frying (cast iron) pan. Over high heat, cook meat 1-1.5 minutes from each side, season with salt and set aside on a plate.

In the same pan, add chopped shallots, fry for 2 minutes, add sliced ham, fry for another 2 minutes or so, until shallots are softened and fat from ham is rendered. Add halved grapes and quartered figs, tossing gently for 1 minute. Add port, stirring for another minute or so, until glossy.

Return meat with all juices to the pan for another 1-2 minutes , now over medium to low heat. Stir in the butter. Add a little water (1-2 tbsp) should gravy thicken too much. Adjust seasoning, sprinkle with thyme, and serve immediately.

filet mignon grapes figs-5

filet mignon grapes figs-7
fig tree with a view (but without figs)



  1. Sound great and looks like it would be something served on the stone terrace overlooking the mediterranean 🙂
    Figs are in season here and I will try this. It sounds delicious!


  2. It’s spring here in Sydney and my fig trees are just pushing out new leaves. Can’t wait to have the fruit in summer. Looks like they go with everything; even with pork. Great pictures as always Sabine and a good story too.


    1. How great to have your own fig trees, Mary. Your orchard must be a miniature paradise! Pork goes really well with sweet , I think, also with dried apricots or prunes. Have a great weekend down under, Mary!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Fresh figs just started showing up at our markets here, so it’s obviously a sign I need to be combining them with pork, and in seeing this I think I need to add some roasted grapes to the party as well!


  4. Bonjour Sabine! J’espère que tu as passe des belles vacances. Ta recette ma plait beaucoup! Les figues sont sans aucune doute ma fruit préféré ! J’adore tes photos et ton assiette vintage 😉 Bon weekend


    1. Bonjour Eva! Je suis absolument ravie que tu aimes la recette (et l´assiette – j´adore les brocantes!)- la saison des figues est assez courte, et il faut en profiter au maximum ! J´espère qu tu as eu un bel été et une très bonne rentrée aussi! Bon weekend à toi, Sabine


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